Welcome to Township Officials of Illinois

The Township Officials of Illinois (TOI), organized in 1907, serves as a resource center for state and federal legislative agencies, as well as its member townships. The organization's attention to and involvement with the legislative process enables it to exert influence on behalf of its member units, as well as to report to them on decisions which affect their functioning.

In addition to offering information and guidance, TOI promotes and supports strong township government in the State of Illinois. To that end, it offers a series of continuing education programs designed to provide a sense of responsibility, assurance, dedication, and unity.

TOI recognizes that offering service benefiting the citizens and taxpayers of Illinois requires the representation of diverse constituencies. Its Board of Directors is structured to accommodate that purpose, as are its respective divisions.

The organizations provides leadership for the continuation and effectiveness of strong grassroots government in the state. Through education, dedication, and unity, TOI has achieved and surpassed the goals of its founders and is poised to provide leadership for grassroots government into the 22nd Century.

Click here for the second notice version of the rulemaking entitled Paid Leave for All Workers Act (56 Ill. Adm. 200). This is subject to approval on February 6, 2024 at the scheduled hearing of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.



2024 Salary Survey Results - UPDATED JULY 2024

TOI Upcoming Events
