Adoption of Resolutions

It has been been brought to my attention that there is some confusion regarding the resolution we sent out last week asking for assistance in adopting. There were two resolutions - one for the regular township board meeting to adopt at the next available meeting and a second for consideration at the Annual Town Meeting. The Annual Town Meeting (ATM) one would be adopted by the electors at the meeting on April 8th and the town board meeting resolution would be adopted by the elected township board. Remember that they are not considered elected board members during the Annual Town Meeting on April 8th.

The board has the authority to place this on the ATM agenda. This is a board action and not subject to the March 1st deadline for agenda items.

We have corrected a typo in the resolutions as will. Lastly, there is no "Therefore be it RESOLVED" section at the end. This is optional. IF you want to include it please do. The resolutions provided are considered to be sample or guide in making it specific to your township.

Adoption of Resolutions OPPOSING Township Consolidation Issues

To formalize combined OPPOSITION to bill introductions aimed at consolidating TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT currently before the Illinois General Assembly we are asking for your assistance.

Please have your township adopt the resolution at the next regular monthly board meeting as well as the Annual Town Meeting on April 8, 2025, by the electors present. Aver both are adopted, please mail them to the Senators and Representatives that serve your township area. it is important to mail them to the Springfield address not their district office. 

Your assistance in stopping this legislation is appreciated. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office.

Town Meeting Resolution                                                 Annual Town Meeting Resolution